By.U Branding Identity and Communications
by.U is the first digital app-based operator in Indonesia and as we're targeting youngsters as its main customers, by.U needed to establish a fresh approach on how it looks and establish a communication style that appeals to the younger audience. Our homework was to break the stereotype of an ‘old fashioned’ telco.
One of the main thing that by.U promises the market was a data-package that can be customized freely with an app. Playing with its unique selling points, we create a mnemonic device, the brush, to emphasize the expressiveness of the brand's spirit, followed by vibrant colours and a friendly tone of voice to make by.U stand out among other telco companies in Indonesia.
by.U launching commercial
All Indonesian knows exactly how painful it is to buy a data-package with so many hidden terms and conditions, plus the quota we didn't ask for. These problems have rooted for a quite some time and becoming bothersome to people who wants to buy quota based on their needs and interests. So for by.U launching commercial, we highlighted these pain points (the hidden terms and condition, the limited freedom to choose package, etc) then offering by.U as its sole antidote to the problems.
Introducing Mobile Costumer Service
As the first digital provider in Indonesia, one of its highlighted feature is the 24/7 costumer service. Therefore, by.U launched another video to introduce the feature. The execution of the video is using an analogy of "a special someone" who's always be there for costumers like their lovers.
Company: Mullen Lowe Indonesia
Client: Telkomsel
My Role: Art Direction and Design