

Connekt.ON is OCBC’s social media platform aiming to be an eye opener about financial literacy to youngsters. The problem is, for young generations the word “finance” seems really heavy. But even though they sound as rigid, it doesn't mean there's no way for us to invite them to financial world without scaring them too much. So we start with "why so serious?"

We’re going to introduce the new face of Connekt.ON with a fun tone and manner. Financial literacy isn't always that heavy (depends on how you learn it) There are still lots of fun way to save the money, a fun way to manage it, a fun way to share the tips and tricks, a fun way to learn it, etc!

Next stop, we're also building a character for engagement purpose. If only money could talk, what would it say to us and what would we say to it? To engage with our young audience we personalized “money” into a fun and young character to share the knowledge.

01.We made a talk show with the KOL featuring “Si Duit” (Mr. Money) to dive deeply, discussing about financial problems.

02.We could also open a discussion via IG story ask me feature. “si Duit” (Mr. Money) will then directly answer the questions


My Role: Art Direction and Design